Friday, February 5, 2010

Holding On ......Moving On....

Is it good to hold on to something or let go...and move holding yourself back to the past holds you from moving forward in future. If so, then why do we take snaps,pictures,write journals and diaries,record conversation and make videos??? Do we humans make standards according to our convenience? Some smart *** will say... anything that seizes you from growing or moving towards positivity should be abandoned.But that very same past can help you avoid making mistakes in your future and that is what we call 'Maturity' Are we then, not holding to the past and still growing....

While keying down this, I realized it is not the person or the thing we cling on to...but the experiences and the learning from those people..things, instances. As Alfred Tennyson said...'Men may come and men may go...But I go on forever'...with me will remain those moments & experiences of happiness, mournfulness, excitement,love,passion, hatred,detest, admiration & disgust...

.....& right now I am living my present.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

....log on log off....

just making sure of not loosing my habit of updating my blog 'm back.
and yeah...with the speed with which i came ...'m logging off...will be bac to share loads of things :) till then keeping my fingers crossed ;)

Friday, June 19, 2009 I am this is heights of procrastination...or should i say memory loss. Just remembered that i have created this blog and fortunately or unfortunately have not been able to add any posts. So here i am putting my random thoughts, the experiences i have each day...I may be reflecting on past or anything for that matter...